
On Site Chair Massages

On-Site Chair Massage is a subdivision of https://therapeuticwellnessnow.com/. We offer the service of coming to your business or event to promote wellness in the market place and add a special flair to your office, corporate or any size event.

Therapeutic Wellness Now specialize in the care of individuals such as yourself and your employees, who generally have little to no extra time to spend on personal care services, such as massage therapy and other wellness program.

On Site Chair Massages

On-Site Chair Massage is a subdivision of Therapeutic Wellness Now. We offer the service of coming to your business or event to promote wellness in the market place and add a special flair to your office, corporate or any size event.

Therapeutic Wellness Now specialize in the care of individuals such as yourself and your employees, who generally have little to no extra time to spend on personal care services, such as massage therapy and other wellness program.

To fulfill your On-Site Chair Massage needs, Therapeutic wellness Now will provide short, but very effective, chair massages (usually lasting about 10-15 minutes, so as not to interrupt the work day, but the massage duration can be adjusted to fit your needs).On-Site Chair Massages is a small investment that reaps big benefits. Investing in these services from Therapeutic Wellness Now benefit the owner manager, as well as the employees: the employees will feel more appreciated, and be healthier, more relaxed, and the owner will benefit from more focused and more productive employees.

This service can be part of your health care benefit package offer an inexpensive 100% tax-deductible perk, or an added bonus award.

Therapeutic Wellness Now also carters to large groups. Additionally, a minimum of two hours will be required. prices are based per therapist, per hour of services. Please contact us for a quote!

  • Individuals are more focused
  • Employees are more productive
  • Improves employees’ health, leading to lower health insurance costs
  • Increases Morale
  • Individuals have more energy
  • Helps eliminate absenteeism
  • Lowers both anxiety and hostility
  • Increases immunity to colds and flu!
  • Increases capactiy to clearer thinking
  • Improves employee problem solving
  • Can be an add on to your health care package offer an inexpensive 100% tax-deductable perk. Or to your well deserve employee.


"Marie was – hands down – the best massage therapist I have EVER been to. She was low key, calm, quiet, and reassuring and made me feel completely comfortable and at ease. She is highly skilled at her craft – the perfect pressure – not too hard or soft, was able to cover all the muscle areas within the allotted time without my feeling rushed. Go see Marie! You will not be disappointed!"
~ Kim S. of Naples, Florida

" Marie is excellent at what she does. She really cares about her clients and takes every extra step to make sure you feel the best. Take advantage of a massage."
~ Suz S. of Fort Myers, Florida

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